Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ArGhhh.. EveRyone aRounD me iS GettIng Married~

oh NoNonO..everyonE around me is getting married...hari ni jUst got another weDding card..lalla~it makes me sOOOOooo jelesH u Know~jUst KumpuL those CarDs n bUat collEction..HAhahA.. i sHud KnoW That I'm too YoUng.. n SurroUnded By olDer Ppl .. DatS y La.. NothinG is WrOng.. Just beIng AttacKed by Some GataL2 ViRus in My blooD~Ngee..Oh.. MommA..
pS/ KaK dIyana BeSide My TabLe nI aSek DuK wT PreParAtion uTk heR enGaGement~NaK juGak buaT Tp TatAu uTk Ape..heee~ Ape2 Pon.. eNjoy mY SinglE no CommItMent LifE ni.. MR. FabbY...dO u Have Any iDea??


  1. holla nisah...ni nk singgah jap sambil bwk berita....kamu telah ditagged oleh saya....huhuhu..

    p/s: huhuhu...sabar je la yer...

  2. xpe2,
    njoy idup bujang dlu..satgi da kawen kang kene ikut suami je kang..
