Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fall Again~

Qaseeh at the field~

Qaseeh nk main basketball gak!

Lame jugak la x update kan...Bz..Bz..Bz...Bile x bz...malas jugak nk update..suke melayan Qaseeh yg agak NAUGHTY lately~xlarat~~

But now i have the reason...

He! This guy...

Sumtimes he is just cute! Haha..ok.awk.sile jgn kembang hidong..

No wonder he was idle from the evening until night..with all the reasons..he was doing this for me..haha...rupe2 nye die xhengat cne nk buat 'tu'...ptt la lame~Ttbe je suruh makk turun n suprisingly he was here! -of course not in my room,under my block lol- with a longgggg and of course sweet smile! (^____________^)

ok.i terkejut~da lame xdpt that 'guess-what' smile~ -_-"

He made me this..not the choc..but it came with the bird..his effort make me fall again~aish~

Ok..ppl might say..."eleh...tu je.." but it means a lot to me..yea...i just love it!Thanx syg...
I love u~muahx33!xoXo!!

i love it sayang~i da kumpol banyak!i keep each n every single of them tau! nt i ltak lam frame yea~ or...i jadikan tu hantaran utk u~hakhak

i'm lucky to have u syg..
Thanx for being "cute" for this relationship.. ;)
Muahx22 lg skali..
Uols...nk muntah pon bole~
Makk xkesah~


  1. ooorgghhh..dat soo sweeettt :P

    mcm citer prison break plak kan..nie clue nk pecah masuk bilek nisah ke ape?? hahhah :P

  2. aku suka rabit. Tp mak aku marah klu aku bela. dia malas jaga..hehe

  3. omg so cute!!!
    (i mean Qaseeh haha~)

  4. Ojan---> kalo trpecah masuk bilek ak xp~jgn sala masok bilek sudeyyy.hehe

    Faiz--->hampeh.da bkn ko yg jage mmg la mak ko marah~huuuu

    suraya--->xp2.ak paham~haha

  5. berapaaa rabit yg ko ade nihh..haoiiii

  6. seko je la~si-Qaseeh tu aje~xlarat den nk jage bnyk2 noxx~
