This very morning, Ummi nk update skit abt Alya since yesterday, she had her 2nd month vaccination
But..but yg 1st month punye da termiss nk update..hehe..during that time still catching up to b a mother of this cute lil princess.Just a short update, she was 3.3kg at 1month..buat dekat Klinik Kesihatan Batu Rakit, just not far from my house.
For the 2nd month, we decided to do it at klinik biasa/pediatric..reason,mls nk kluar time weekdays n tggu lame2..eventhough Ummi is still not working but I still need drive..whatever,whatever la..So after getting reviews from my SIL, so we decided to go to Dr.Tan, pediatrician at Klinik Pakar Kanak2 Putra, Sg.Buloh..Since price pon lbih kurang je dgn klinik biasa..abt RM130++
Dr Tan was very nice and informative. Puas hati dpt consultation lame2 n tanye mcm2.Tp weols pergi pagiiiiiii kol 9.15 (open at 9.30)..if not jenuh la nk mnunggu sbb mmg ramai n lame plak sorg2.haha
Lately Alya has blocking nose, cranky during breast feed(bf)..pity her and we just dont know why?? So there we got the answers la..Ape la Ummi Abi ni. ksian Alya menahan xselesa lame2 tau. Jantung n paru2 Alya is perfect her blocking nose problem just a minor one. Dr Tan just cuci hidung die using nasal spray (brand Sterimar).. we bought that one before but dont know how to use it, end up biar je dlm bakul. ngee.. so now we know how to use it and it's very helpful..but..ssh skit nk dpt..may b certain clinics ad jual..mgkin certain pharmacy jgk..weols bli kt klinik mane tah...So one problem from the blocking nose, she was unable to breath properly, lead to cranky during bf, lead to xmo hisap susu dah, lead to kembung perot and nangis and nangis and parents pon penat melayan..LOL, dominos effect! okay, we learnt! So settle InsyaAllah. ;) and after that, br Alya kne cucuk..menangis xhengat la.seb bek ad Ummi yg empuk ttdo terus lepas tu.haha.gud girl...n now, she is wonder Ummi slalu lenguh dodoi Alya smbil brdiri...:)

kt klinik ;)
Her development at 2months old..da pandai mengagah n mumbling and senyum 1month+ pon da pandai sikit2 senyum n focus pd muke org. Day by day, she is more focus n boleh ikot pergerakan org 180'..banyak mumbling if happy..kalo ngs pon still boleh mumbling, nk bf pon mumbling dlu br masuk dlm mulut.haha..nakal.ikot sape la suke bebel2 ni haa.and I think she already can recognize her Ummi..She stops crying when I get her n looked comfortable..hopefully it is true what I'm thinking.hehe
Alya suke mndi dlm air suam..enjoy but klo air sjuk skit,ngs mcm kne dera.haha n suke buat buih kot mulut smpai kluar belon2..xpe la nak...asalkan kamu happy ;)
Her sleeping time, Alhamdulillah she loves to for now xbrape kerap bejage mlm, if nk susu pon just buat bunyi2 je mata xbukak, so Ummi just hulur je..n pg, susu, tdo , bgn mandi n tdo smpai tghari...kat2 nk ptg br bgn hek-hek skit..huuu
Ummi plak, now da xd interest lgsg nk bli brg sndiri even baju ke handbags ke shoes ke if xperlu,seriously. I just notice this abt myself butttttt pantang nmpk baby shops.haaa...laju je.dpt sentuh pon jadi la...and jerit..ahhh cutenyeee..ahhh y baby gurls' stuffs so cute...ahhh sni..ahhh sne...LOL .adeh~ ape2 je la kan. Routine kt rumah, pg2 kne uruskn smua b4 Alya bgn..machine baju, iron baju kerja hubby, mandi, kemas rumah n ols..bile Alya da bgn, ssh da nk tinggal lil princess ni...;)
ok la peeps, bubbyehh ;)